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Title of work:Café Prueckl Stool

Name of Applicants:Emanuel Gollob and David Tavčar

Location of School:Austria

Name of School/University:University of applied Arts Vienna


In the beginning of the design process we intentionally started looking for a type of trash that is usually not collected nor recycled. We've considered trash in the powder form as the most seldom recycled one since we didn't really find many or any collection points where this kind of trash would be collected, sorted and recycled. Since we both live and study in Vienna –the city that is known for it‘s numerous cafes - we quickly came across an interesting piece of information. The numbers are quite shocking: for example the famous Cafe Prueckel throws away 12 to15 kg of coffee grounds daily. Multiplied with the number of cafes and bars in Vienna the amount rises of to a couple of tons. Considering the problem tour main goal was to transform this powdered coffee grounds to a solid material (product)