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Title of work:Aerodynamic Atrapanieblas/Fog Catcher (AA)

Name of Applicants:PABLO GARRETÓN

Location of School:Chile

Name of School/University:Diego Portales University


Introduction to works: The world population has increased threefold and water reserves have had decrease up six times in the last century. Arid and semi-arid coast zones have suffered the problem of access to clean water, and despite on having a lot of hydric resources there is no enough supply systems. The "camanchaca" is a type of very dense low fog that happens in the north of Chile. The “fog catchers net” appears as a water collect system. However they present problems such as: high construction costs, wind usually damaged structures, materials wears out quickly and repairing is complicated and expensive.  Considering all this, “Aerodynamic Atrapanieblas/Fog Catcher (AA)” were designed using the wind to structure, the Venturi effect to capture more water and ensuring portability through analizing camping items. The objective of the project is to develop a more efficient water supply system for small communities in Arid and semi-arid coast zones worldwide.