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Title of work: SPONT LAB

Name of Applicants:CONSUELO YAVAR

Location of School:Chile

Name of School/University:Diego Portales University


Introduction: SpontLab is a set of tools devised for the improvement of working environments. To achieve this, it guides organizations through a participatory process of disclosure, analysis and action planning, where each one of the participants expresses, understands and devices the sort of community their organization will be in the future. To ‘express’ and to ‘understand’, graphic tools are used in order to trigger spontaneous responses, and enhance people’s exploration, reflection and connection of their own discovering.  Part of SpontLab has already been tested in a non-hierarchical team and it is actually been applied in the organization that triggered all this process, my former job in Chile. People there are really excited with the process. Although I know this is only the first step, I really hope to live up to their expectations.